Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How Did I Get Here?

I'm not asking in the theological sense. This is a more shallow question than that. For everyone's benefit, I'll make it short and sweet.

I've been dieting on and off since the age of eleven. Ironically, it wasn't until college that I was ever heavy enough to medically qualify as overweight. Before then, I dieted to try to keep up (or down?) with the skinny girls at school. That was all that mattered. Until I grew up (it takes some of us longer than others!) I really didn't care about how healthy I was. I just sought skinny. Skinny was my god.

Now, skinny is still nice and all, but healthy is far more important to me. Fortunately, Skinny and Healthy make a great couple. So I seek both. And as my blog title indicates, one way I've decided to do this is to stay away from sugar. For. The. Rest. Of. My. Life.

Sugar is truly a drug for me. I have eaten it to the point of making myself sick on numerous occasions. I know it's horrible for my body(yet I'd eat it anyway). I experience withdrawal symptoms when I quit eating it. I reach for it when I'm frustrated, angry, elated, bored, overwhelmed, or depressed. Essentially, all of the same criteria that indicate that a person has an addiction to alcohol, applies to me with sugar. So, since it does me no good at all, why not just quit eating it all together?

I have slipped up in the past. I hope not to, but wouldn't be surprised if I did again in the future. At the end of the day, all I can do is try.

Here's hoping my efforts pay off, and I get, and stay off the blood sugar roller coaster and weight gain and loss Yo-Yo that has marked my life the last twenty years. Care to join me?

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